About Guzzler Bike Seats

Custom Motorcycle Seats evolved from a lifetime surrounded by motorcycles.

I developed a passion for motorcycles when I was about twelve years old and have admired them ever since. I have owned around 120 bikes in my life and I believe you have to have a passion to know the problems with seats etc and how to resolve the problems.

I have an eye for flowing seat shapes for motorcycles and have a vast knowledge of the inherit problems of most standard seats. I am able to reshape any motorcycle seat to be far more comfortable than any other after market seat or so called seat improvement bolt on for instance, sheepskin covers, gel inserts, memory foam or air hawk seat and it is unnecessary to have any product which has you floating above your seat such as air hawk.

When the seat is made specifically for you, taking into account the way you sit on the motorcycle in relation to the position of the foot pegs and your reach to the handle bars, the object is to remove any pressure spots and spread the contact more evenly between you and the seat.

By looking at side on photos of you and your partner sitting on the motorcycle I am able to design and make a seat specifically to suit your needs. If you are close to south Brisbane I can fine tune  before fitting a custom cover.

I stock a large range of U V vinyls best suited for motorcycle seats.

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