Category Archives: Uncategorized

Guzzler Custom motorcycle seats up Date.

Winter is almost done and its a great time to get Guzzler custom seats to shape up for comfort and maybe a new cover.

As times are a bit difficult financially we have found new bike sales have dropped and single seat CTP rego has increased

the whole motorcycle industry has slowed, so we here at Guzzler custom motorcycle seats would encourage everyone

to Hang in there as motorcycles are so much fun also a minimum cost to get you about to work etc and the parking

related costs can be minimal so stay positive, encourage your family and friends to ride and keep us all in the sport,

Regards Bill, Guzzler Custom Motorcycle Seats.IMG_20131025_142640

Riding in Autum

Here at Custom Motor Cycle Seats Known as Guzzler Seats we are Appreciating the cooler weather and getting out a bit more. You will notice some bikes are no longer available as new for sale and single seat rego has almost doubled so it would appear the powers that be arn’t that be keen on…Continue Reading

Hey all, Custom motor cycle seats by Guzzler are still busy keeping up with seats, shaping and recovering all models although have noticed some existing models have been deleted from the country. all shaping for comfort by a rotary machine can be done while you wait at Guzzler custom motor cycle seats at Greenbank.Continue Reading

Guzzler Custom Motorcycle Seats have been busy catching up with all the seats coming out of winter and with few restrictions people are out riding. Give Guzzler Seats a call if you need comfort or a snappy cover, regards Bill, Guzzler Custom Motorcycle Seats.Continue Reading

Covid riding !

Hi all From GUZZLER Custom Motorcycle Cycle Seats. Its been a while since we at Guzzler Seats have commented on line and as the lock downs seem to be getting less its time to get out on our machines now the weather is getting cooler. Some bike models have been getting deleted as sales have…Continue Reading

Spring is here

Hi all, Custom motor cycle seats has been a bit quiet these last few weeks as a new set of after market levers for my bike depressed the hydraulic levers and a 2 block trip caused the rear breaks to lock up and down I went. At 35 klms per hour I broke 6 ribs…Continue Reading

Cold days, tax time

Cold mornings end of year tax all concludes to a slow time for some businesses and we have noticed this also. the US dollar has gained significantly against the Australian making overseas purchases of imported seats a lot more expensive also adding to this cost a GST. We at Guzzler seats are still in the…Continue Reading

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